Eligibility Criteria
The Criteria for Accreditation/Affiliation are the standards of quality by which the evaluation commissioners conclude whether an institution merits Accreditation/Affiliation or reaffirmation of Accreditation/Affiliation. International Accreditation Organization Criteria is prepared on mutual agreements and discussions by the WEO team and evaluation agents. The criterion is broad and flexible enough to allow for diversity and innovation as every institute differs from one another in terms of unlike philosophical foundations, rules and regulations, distinct human culture, and purposes of the foundation. They are also precise enough to ensure that critical characteristics of adequate quality are incorporated in the statements.
The institute’s applying for Accreditation/Affiliation must fall eligible, meeting all the requirements mentioned below:
1. The applicant should be an educational establishment that
• Formally enrolls students and maintains student records
• Retains a qualified faculty to service students
• Transmits to students organized instructional materials
• Provides continuous two-way communication on student work
2. The educational establishment can be of the following types
• Higher Education Universities and Institutes
• E-Learning/Distance Learning Universities and Institutes
• Transmits to students organized instructional materials
• Faculty individuals can also be accredited
3. The institute/ university should offer
• Degree Programs
• Associate’s degree
• Bachelor’s degree
• Master’s degree
• Doctorate
• Diploma Programs
• Undergraduate Diploma
• Graduate Diploma
• Certificate Programs
• Undergraduate Course Certificate
• Undergraduate Certificate
• Graduate Course Certificate
• Graduate Certificate
4. It also offers education and training other than that required for academic credentials.
5. There must be an identified body of individuals in the institution actively involved in a prescribed learning format and setting. Programs that are being offered should provide an interactive component of educational methodology appropriate to the subject matter.
6. There should be a continuous operation in the institution. This means that the principal educational and training activities of an institution have proceeded without interruption.
7. The applicant's educational institution is financially sound and will continue to provide services to the students.
8. For at least one year immediately before applying the institution has been under the same ownership.
9. Educational Institutes/Universities should have a scheme of management. It should also have the School Management Committee.
10. Good Infrastructure of the Educational Institute/University/School, with facilities of Library, Laboratory, Play Area, IT Room, AV Room, Rest Rooms, Staff Room, Admin Office, Counselling Room, etc.
11. It agrees upon application and Accreditation/Affiliation to abide by the WEO Bylaws, its Principles of Ethics, its Standards for Accreditation/Affiliation, policies and procedures and to support the Accreditation/Affiliation process.
12. It has verified a record of responsible financial management with resources sufficient to maintain the educational services and quality training and to complete the instruction of all enrolled participants.
13. It is duly licensed, authorized, and approved by the applicable state educationalinstitutional authority. The institution must also be in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal requirements.
14. The applicant institute’s name is free from any illegal actions and unethical conduct.
15. The institution, the institution’s owners, governing board members, and administrators possess sound reputations and show a record of integrity and ethical conduct in their professional activities, business operations, and relations. The owners, board members, and executive staff must have records free from any association with any misfeasance, including, but not limited to, owning, managing, or controlling any educational institutions that have entered bankruptcy or have closed with students having been disadvantaged as a result.
16. Application for Accreditation/Affiliation must be complete in all respects.
Reasons For Rejection of Application
The Commission may not accept an application from an institution, if the institution is unable to show that it can meet WEO’s standards concerning the qualifications of the institution’s owners, governing board members and administrator, or financial responsibility. In the event the WEO Commission does not accept an application for one or both of these reasons, the decision would be appealable. In addition, the Commission reserves the right to not accept an application from an institution, if travel conditions or security concerns in that country are perceived by the Commission to be unsafe. This decision would not be appealable.
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